Numbering Formatting being lost


Attached is a document that loses formatting on the Part I, Part II and Part III headings when the steps below are followed.

  1. Open in Aspose
  2. Save as a Docx
  3. Open the newly created docx in Aspose
  4. Save as a doc
  5. Open in MS Word - Formatting has been lost.

We need to save as a docx on the server to save space. an open as a doc for client compatibility. If this is an aspose issue can you suggest a workaround until a fix comes out?

We are using Words 10.3

Thanks Bruce

Thanks for your request. But unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. The final DOC file looks the same as the original. I checked the output in MS Word 2007 and 2003 and also in OpenOffice.
Could you please attach your final DOC file here? We will check the issue again and provide you more information.
Best regards,