'Object not set' error when opening project file


I have a couple of MS Project files that cause an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' message when calling the Read method on the ProjectReader class (using a stream). I can provide you with a copy of the file if its any help.

We are using version of Tasks.

This is causing some problems for customers of ours and we would appreciate some support (as my previous 2 support posts to this forum have gone unacknowleged).



Last beta version is We also published 2.1.0 release which is actually the same version. Please try it. If you still have any problems with 2.1.0 release then please provide project file that cause the exception.


I'm having the same problem with a MS Project 2007 xml file. I've attached the file.

I'll keep testing with some other files I have.

Regards, Bruce


I've tried the 2.1 version of Tasks but am still getting the issue as reported. I have attached an example file to an e-mail I sent to tyumen@aspose.com.




We will check both files. Thank you.


The problem was fixed. Please download latest Aspose.Tasks 2.1.1 version here.


I've downloaded v2.1.1, and it seems to have solved some of the problems it hasn't solved all.

I've tried it on the test file I think I sent earlier attached to an email to alcrus. This still fails. I've also tried it on one of our customer files we were having problems with and it now works.

Let me know if you require another copy of the test file that is still failing.


Hello Rob,

I have updated Aspose.Tasks 2.1.1. Please download it again and reinstall.

Hi Alcrus,

I've still got the problem with the attached file. I can open this in MSP.


Hello Rob,

This problem also has been fixed. Please download updated version from here.


I downloaded the update from the link provided. Ran the msi, took the repair option.

I still get the problem on the file I attached to the last post for you to test.

After running the repair the tasks assembly in the bin folder didn't look to be any different to the previous one. Could it be the link you attached was for the previous version?


Hello Rob,

In case of problem with updating you should uninstall previous version of Aspose.Tasks. After that delete Aspose.Tasks folder in “Program Files\Aspose” and then install new version. Version of the new dll should be


I un-installed the previous version, and installed, and the problem was indeed solved.

Thanks for your assistance on this issue.


Hi Alex,

We installed the latest Aspose.Tasks dll and still experience the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I attached the file that causes the error.


Andrew Kaplanovsky.

Hello Andrew,

We have fixed the problem. Please check attached new version of Aspose.Tasks.


When you say a new version is available (I see the zip file in this topic), does this mean that the MSI available from the download section has also been updated?

Regards, Bruce

Hello Bruce,

Msi installer is not updated yet. We are going to publish official hot fix 2.1.2 at the end of this week. Small fixes usually posted in the forum at first to avoid frequent updating of main downloads. I can post Msi installer if you need it.


Thanks for the info. I'll wait until you publish the next version!!

Regards, Bruce

Hi Alex,

Thank you very much for your help. I installed the new version and now can upload the .mpp file I had sent you. But now I have a problem with the file attached, the error is the same, "Object not set...". If I use the previous version of Aspose.Tasks dll, everything is ok with this file.


Andrew Kaplanovsky

Hello Andrew,

It looks like mpp12 project files have one more way to define empty resources. I hope it was last one so probably we found all of them with your help now. Thank you for the example and please download attached new Aspose.Tasks.