Objects (Adobe OR Powerpoint graphical elements) not rendered correctly


We are using
aspose.slides to render bitmaps of slides for a web application. The
slides are created by our clients and must be used as-is. Our client
uses office metafiles, for which we now need to purchase aspose.metafiles. That clears out a few rendering problems. Now our client also uses ole elements
in his presentations. These either don’t appear or display a ‘Changed Object’ message on the rendered bitmaps. What we need is a static image of
the ole object to be rendered on the bitmap. What would be our options?

we have seen some quality loss on some slide elements created directly
from within powerpoint (especially with gradients). Would there be some
sort of quality factor that we can set to raise the precision of
rendered bitmaps?

I join to this mail a
zip containing an original ppt file causing us problems and an example of 3 rendered jpg.
The ppt file was created with Office 2003. Different elements don’t
show up on the rendered jpg files. Some objects directly drawn in
Powerpoint (especially those with gradients, see 17_384_big.jpg and the
box labeled ‘adipose’). Some elements not showing off were pasted from
an EPS (Illustrator) file and do not show at all.

The desired solution would be one where the
client can use his usual tools (MS Office, Adobe Illustrator …) to
build ppt files and have them rendered as is.
Having a rendered jpg
with a label of the kind ‘Object changed’ is not acceptable for our
client as he needs to see the resulting slide ‘as is’ on the jpg

are waiting for the aprobation to buy the metafiles license to make the
watermark dissapear on some other slides.
We also need to know if there some other Aspose product to purchase or if
Aspose.slides / Aspose.metafiles can handle the current problems and if
so, by what mean.

Thank you for the support!

Dear systech,

Object Changed image appears, when you insert OLE object using Aspose.Slides. If you/your client insert it using MS-PowerPoint, then this image does not appear instead actual image of OLE object appears. Now, if you will take the thumbnail of slide, you will see the actual image.

I mean to say, Object Changed image will only appear in your thumbnail if you had previously inserted OLE object with Aspose.Slides.

Suppose, if you insert OLE using Aspose.Slides, and then take a slide thumbnail, then to avoid Object Changed image to be appeared in a thumbnail, you must have to use some other image of your choice. For example, your image could be Adobe Icon if it is PDF etc.

However, you can avoid Object Changed image to be appearing in your presentation at the client side, if you/your client could install MS-PowerPoint Add-In at the client machines. For more information, please see this link http://www.aspose.com/newsletters/07_01/

I have already reported the image quality and rendering problem and it will be fixed in a couple of weeks.

Hello msfaiz,

I understand your point. We do not add ole objects with aspose.slides. We use aspose.slides only to generate bitmaps of existing slides and/or extract some slides to generate a new ppt file. The current problem lays in the bitmaps not beeing generated at all for some objects. No, we cannot have MS-PowerPoint Add-In installed on the client’s machine. The client expects to have his powerpoint slides generated as-seen in powerpoint.

why then are there objects not rendered on the slides? They have been created by copy/pasting some adobe and/or Microsoft objects into the slides and now although the ppt file displays elements, they are not visible in the rendered bitmaps (see attached file of original message for original ppt file and rendered bitmaps examples). We are not talking about objects that need aspose.metafiles as we have already included aspose.metafiles wich helped us generate all excel graphs and other metafiles objects. Nevertheless, there are still some objects missing (again, see attachment). What is missing in the following code or what other ASPOSE component should we buy to be able to completely render the slides?

Here is the code used for slide thumnails generation. We use javabridge with php:



$fistream=new Java("java.io.FileInputStream","/home/web/www/doccenter/Jensen_v1.2.ppt");

$pres=new Java("com.aspose.slides.Presentation",$fistream);

for ($i=1;$i<=$size;$i++) {
try {

$dimension=new Java("java.awt.Dimension",290,218);
$ImageIO=new JavaClass("javax.imageio.ImageIO");
$fostream=new Java("java.io.FileOutputStream","/home/web/www/doccenter/image/$i.jpg");

catch(JavaException $ex)
echo '

'.$ex->toString() . '




Also note that we have seen a bug with the number of slides given by aspose api. We went around this by capturing the exeption and checking if exeption contains an aspose slide object that we then use as a usual slide object. This must be a bug, is it documented somewhere?

Thank you!

Missing objects are possibly because of bug, please wait for a fix.

Regarding the code, you need to change one line like this

$size = $slides->getLastSlidePosition();

The reason is that slides collection contains both normal and master slides and getLastSlidePosition returns the total number of normal slides only.

Dear systech,

We have investigated the problem and it will be fixed. But I should tell,
there is a lot of work to do and creating fix can take up to month or even more.
I can only promise to fix it asap.

Thank you for the follow-up. Will this fix include a solution for the quality loss in elements created from within powerpoint (especially gradients, see original attached screenshots and ppt file) ? This seems to be a different issue that could probably be solved if there was some quality factor for the jpg generation or am I off the track?

Thanks again

Sure, gradients also in the to-do list

We need to give our client an estimate as of when this fix will be available. What are the worst case and best case scenarios and what would be a realistic target?

Thank you!

Probably there will be several hot fixes. More or less realistic date to fix most of
current problems is end of November. The worst case is end of December.

Hi again,

1. We are using the java version of Aspose Slides (even though it’s allready obvious as the posted code is Java).
2. Is there a possibility to be informed of those hotfixes by email?

Thank you!

I will inform you on your email address. What is your email?

We have applied Aspose.Slides for Java Hot Fix and Aspose.Metafiles for Java Hot Fix. We have made some tests and saw no improve in terms of rendering quality. The problems we had still exist. Can we expect another hot fix soon ? The worst-case date beeing end of december, what are the new milestones ?

Thanks again!

Dear systech,

The problems are found in Aspose.Metafiles rather than Aspose.Slides for JAVA and will be resolved soon with the release of new version of Aspose.Metafiles, the current one is

Hi again,

I have joined to this message one more problematic ppt file.

More or less all slides are problematic, in the headers (text not centered in container). Obvious examples can be seen on slides : 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (missing bullets and/or missing graphics)

I am looking forward for any updates to Aspose Metafiles or Aspose Slides. Please keep me informed of all releases supposed to solve any (or all) of the displayed issues.

Thanks again!

Thanks for reporting, we will keep you informed.

Any news on improving the rendering of objects in PDF? I am doing a PPT to PDF translation and the graphic loses quality way too much for using this in a production environment.

Please attach the source ppt and also the Aspose.Slides version. Probably, your problem is related to blurry thumbnails.