Office Compliance and Version

I don’t think I fully understand the implications of both Compliance and the OptimizeFor options in Aspose.words. My simplified understanding is that Optimze would be comparable with manually editing/saving a doc in a specific version of word. What I’m interested in is understanding if and what, would be lost from a document if using either of these options.

If included this under Aspose.Total as related to the above there doesn’t appear to be a similar set of save options for Aspose.slides or cells, is this correct and if s then why?


Compliance and the OptimizeFor options are used for Word document. OoxmlSaveOptions.Compliance is used to specify the OOXML version of document. There are three types. Please check them here:

The CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor method is used to optimize the Word document according to MS Word version e.g. 2010, 2016, 2003. Please check the detail of property:

Document’s contents do not lost while using these properties. If you find the issue, kindly provide the document with sample code, we will check it soon.

In Aspose.Cells, we have “Compliance” property but it is under Aspose.Cells’ PdfSaveOptions for setting PDF’s compliance. Also, there is “OptimizationType” API in Aspose.Cells’ PdfSaveOptions. This property is used to to optimize the size of output PDF file.

There are no such compatibility related options for Aspose.Slides. The Save method is able to save the presentation either in PPT or PPTX format depending on SaveFormat. The PPTX format saved is applicable to 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Hope, this helps a bit.