On web Grid Cells.Custom = "#-##0.00" shows different numbers on different web server


								<div id="ctl00_ctl01_bcr_ctl00___PostRepeater_ctl01_PostViewWrapper" class="ForumPostContentText">
									Hello,<br><br>We use the web grid with the custom number format:<br><br>sheet.Cells[0,4].Custom = "#,##0.00";<br><br>On the local machine it shows the number "1234567,89" as<br>1 234 567,89<br><br>But on a different server it is multiplied by 100 and shown as<br><br>123,456,789.00 <br><br>Any ideas?<br><br>The regional settings are the same (set to Hungarian as desired).<br><br>Robert</div>


You may check the server's web.config file and see if the culture setting is correct.

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