Opening an Excel File Using Aspose.Cells

Hi Team

Is there a way of opening ( not file open--but opening a file by double clicking it) an excel file using aspose.cells java.

Actually im using the following code to open a file Test.xlsx which is on desktop:

Desktop dk = Desktop.getDesktop(); File("C:/Users/Sanjeev/Desktop/Test.xlsx"));

Im able to open the file using this code (without doubleclicking the file to open)

Similarly is there a way to open the file in aspose.cells for java.

Is so, could you please provide me a sample code for this case.

Thanks in advance,



Thanks for providing us some details.

Do you want to open the Workbook (Excel file) into MS Excel like grid interface visually on the fly? Well, Aspose.Cells is a library used to create, manipulate, render or print spreadsheets, it does not provide any UI or grid like environment, you would always need some sort of viewer or MS Excel to open/ view the generated file into it.

However, if you want grid like environment or control to view spreadsheets or Excel files, we also provide Aspose.Cells Grid Suite, the Aspose.Cells Grid Suite is currently composed of one web control: Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. So, if you need to view or manipulate Excel files in WYSIWYG (visual) manner but on the web (servlets, jsp based control), you may use it, see the documentation for your reference here:

But, I am afraid, we do not have any desktop/ windows based grid JAVA control at the moment.

Thank you.