Opening Word document: tables with vertical merged cells lose merge

we have found a problem when we open a Word document using Aspose Words.
The problem occurs using the version 24.1.

This is our scenario:

We have a document that contains two content controls.
These content controls contain a table each one.
The tables have some vertical merged cells.
If the document is opened using Aspose, the tables lose the vertical merged cells.

Into the file “original.png” you can see the cells that are merged and into the file “opened-with-aspose.png” you can see that the same cells have lost the merge.

We have reproduced the scenario using a little test. I have attached the file “” that contains two files: “” and “DOC-MERGED-CELLS.docx”.

Could you help us to find a solution, please?



original (37.1 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26535

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hello @alexey.noskov,
thank you to have opened the issue WORDSNET-26535.
I have access to the Paid Support Service but at the moment there are not need of High priority.
Let me know if there are news, please.
Many thanks.

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Hello @alexey.noskov,
could you explain us why occurs this behavior, please?

@giulio.andolfi Currently the issue is in the queue for analysis. So at the moment we cannot tell why the problem occurs. Once analysis is done we will be able to provide you more information or a fix of the problem.

Thank you @alexey.noskov.
We wait the analysis.

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I see that the status of the ticket WORDSNET-26535 is Analysis Complete.
Could you sent us an update, please?
We would like understand if it is a bug or not and eventually, the resolution time.

@giulio.andolfi Yes, we have completed analyzing the issue.
The table, on which the error occurs has the following rows and cells:
1st row: cell with gridSpan=5 , w=“9300”; cell with gridSpan=2 , vMerge=”restart”, w=“1860”
2nd row: cell with w=“1860”; cell with gridSpan=4 , w=“7440”; cell with gridSpan=2 , vMerge, w=“1860”
3rd row: 4 cells with w=“1860”; cell with gridSpan=2 , w=“1860”; cell with vMerge, w=“1860”
So that the last row has an issue: the last (single) cell is merged vertically with two merged horizontally cells (gridSpan=2) of the previous row.
The width of the last cell of the last row is equal to width of the corresponding horizontally merged cells above.
When resaving the input document, Aspose.Words just removes incorrect vertical merge of the last cell of the third row.