Opening xlsm file gives exception - Invalid Formula


I get an exception when opening a xlsm template. Here is the exception and stack trace. Could you please guide me to fix this problem.

_xlWB.Open(_strExcelTemplateFilePath, FileFormatType.Excel2007Xlsm);

"Invalid formula:\"=ReplaceClean(CHAR(10)& AC4& \" - Target Completion Date: \" & TEXT(X4,\"Mmm dd, 'yy\") & \" - Status: \" & IFERROR(RIGHT(Z4,(LEN(Z4)-SEARCH(\"Status\",Z4)-7)), \"MISSING STATUS\"))\"."

at Aspose.Cells.ԋ.เ(Cell ֿ, Int32 ٭, Int32 ٮ)
at Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetSharedFormula(String sharedFormula, Int32 rowNumber, Int32 columnNumber)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᬢ.ᭀ(XmlTextReader ၧ, Int32 ᭁ, Int32 ᭂ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᬢ.ᬿ(XmlTextReader ၧ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᬢ.ᬾ(XmlTextReader ၧ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᬢ.࿀(XmlTextReader ၧ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨈ.᨞(ᩉ ᨚ, String ᨛ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨈ.ᨙ(ᩉ ᨚ, String ᨛ)
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨈ.ᨘ()
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨈ.࿀()
at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨆ.ᨇ(Workbook ၀, Stream թ)
at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Open(String fileName, FileFormatType type)
at Test.ExcelTemplateWriter.OpenExcelTemplate(String extn)



Please try this fix.

We have fixed this bug of setting the formula.


Thank you. That worked. So, are you going to release a hotfix soon?
