Optimal way to convert PDF docs to Word?

Hi Aspose team,

In my example I have 800 pages PDF document that I would like to convert to Word. Code is simple and it takes 17 minutes on my computer (i7, 16Gb).

Document pdfDocument = new Document(uploadFolder + @"\" + fileNameOld);
DocSaveOptions saveOptions = new DocSaveOptions();
saveOptions.Format = DocSaveOptions.DocFormat.DocX;
saveOptions.ImageResolutionX = 150;
saveOptions.ImageResolutionY = 150;
saveOptions.Mode = DocSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.Flow;
pdfDocument.Save(uploadFolder + @"\" + fileNameNew, saveOptions);

I guess that problem is that Aspose.PDF is reading whole document into memory and then starts conversion completely in memory.

What would be the best way to do big conversion? Any option to convert huge documents in batches like read first 50 pages and save them to Word document, read next 50 pages and append to existing document, etc...

What are you recommendations to improve performances of conversion?

Btw. PDF document is around 24Mb but conversion is occupying more than 1Gb which is kind a really a lot. My expectation was that it will take up to 10x of PDF size and not 40x.

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for contacting support.

During PDF file manipulation, the API loads the complete file into memory and then performs the conversion. However concerning to the amount of time being elapsed while performing PDF to DOC, can you please share the input, so that we can test the scenario in our environment. Please note that our forums only support the feature to upload a maximum file size of 25MB (a single file) and in case you need to upload large document, you may split the file into multiple instances (multiple archives) and share with us.

Besides the conversion of whole PDF file to DOC format, you may consider dividing the PDF file into smaller chunks and then perform conversion of smaller documents and finally merge individual DOC files using Aspose.Words for .NET. For further details, please visit