Page Size Reported by Adobe Acrobat Incorrect

After creating a PDF using XML, Adobe Acrobat 6.0 reports the wrong page size in inches on the Document Properties dialog.

My Section contains a single element, a TIFF image. The TIFF image is 1696 x 2800 pixels and is 200 DPI, or just about 8.5 inches x 14 inches (legal size). When generating the XML, I set the Section PageWidth and PageHeight to the image size (1696 x 2800) because that's the only element on the page. Acrobat displays the page size as 23.56 x 38.89 inches instead of 8.48 x 14 inches as it should.

Is Acrobat assuming 72 DPI? Do I have to set the DPI? If so, where do I set that in the XML? Here is the complete XML I'm using:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>

Thanks in advance,
Joe A.

Dear Joe,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Yes, I think Acrobat assume 72DPI. In Aspose.Pdf, setting DPI is not supported. But you can use the ImageScal property.
image size in pdf (in points) = real image size (in pixels) × ImageScale.


Yes, I had already gone ahead and used the ImageScale and scaled everything using 72 DPI. That works fine. Thanks for the quick response, you provide excellent support!

Joe A.