One of our customers has a requisite that PDF/A-1 should be saved as PDF 1.4.
The actual Aspose PDF saves PDF/A-1 as PDF 1.7, there’s no choice of the PDF version it should save the document.
Adobe specification is not very clear about it, they only specify “PDF/A-1. The PDF/A format is based on the original PDF 1.4 version and it has two conformance levels for PDFs: PDF/A-1a conforms with Level An and meets all requirements in its specification.”
( source https://www.adobe.com/uk/acrobat/resources/document-files/pdf-types/pdf-a.html#:~:text=PDF%2FA-1.,all%20requirements%20in%20its%20specification. )
others like Library of Congress specify it’s a subtype of PDF 1.4 ( source PDF/A-1, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4)
Could Aspose PDF save PDF/A-1 ( A1a or A1b ) documents as PDF 1.4 please ?
Currently, Aspose.PDF does not provide an option to save PDF/A-1 documents specifically as PDF 1.4. The library typically saves PDF/A-1 documents in PDF 1.7 format. This behavior aligns with the general specifications of PDF/A-1, which is based on PDF 1.4, but the implementation in Aspose.PDF defaults to a later version.
To ensure compliance with PDF/A-1, you can validate your PDF document against the PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b standards using the Aspose.PDF library. Here’s a code snippet that demonstrates how to validate a PDF document for PDF/A compliance:
import com.aspose.pdf.Document;
import com.aspose.pdf.PdfFormat;
public class ValidatePDFDocumentForPDFAStandard {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Open the document
Document pdfDocument = new Document("Original.pdf");
// Validate PDF for PDF/A-1b
pdfDocument.validate("validation-result-A1B.xml", PdfFormat.PDF_A_1B);
// Save the output document
In this example, the document is validated for PDF/A-1b compliance, and the validation results are saved in an XML file. You can adjust the validation level as needed.
For further details on converting PDF files to PDF/A formats, you can refer to the official documentation, which outlines the supported standards and conversion methods available in Aspose.PDF here [1].
If you have specific requirements or further questions regarding PDF/A compliance, feel free to ask!
[1]: Convert PDF to PDF/A formats - Aspose Documentation
We need PDF/A-1 ( A1a or A1b ) documents to be saved as PDF 1.4. This is a requirement.
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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-59477
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