PDF/A-2b, PDF/A2-u PDF/A3-a, PDF/A3-b, PDF/A3 Support


Could you tell, do you support (or planning to) conversion of the following formats: PDF/A-2b, PDF/A2-u PDF/A3-a, PDF/A3-b, PDF/A3.
If support is expected, when exactly are you planning to implement it?

Best Regards,


Thanks for your inquiry.

Aspose.PDF API supports conversion to these formats. The enumeration Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormat exposes all supported formats which API supports and process to perform conversion is same for every format which is following:

Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
// Convert 
pdfDocument.Convert(dataDir + "ExamplePDF.log", PdfFormat.PDF_A_1A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
// Save output document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "output.pdf");

In case of any further assistance, please feel free to let us know.