PDF/A generation

Our project uses Aspose using a valid license. Just few days back our license has expired. We are in the process of renewing the license.
Currently I am working on a urgent POC using Aspose.Word and Aspose.Pdf to check for the generation of a PDF/A document. I generated the PDF/A document by referring the code in Aspose documentation. As given in the documentation I have also validated the file using the below code snippet

public void ValidatePDF(string strFilePath, string strAsposeLicDirPath)
Aspose.Pdf.Document inputPDF = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(strFilePath);
Aspose.Pdf.License objLicense = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
objLicense.SetLicense(strAsposeLicDirPath + “\Aspose.Total.lic”);
inputPDF.Validate(“validation-result-A1A.xml”, PdfFormat.PDF_A_1A);
inputPDF.Convert(“log.xml”, PdfFormat.PDF_A_1A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);

I have used the expired license. I was able to generate the PDF/A document but only till 7 pages. The document got truncated while generating the PDF/A file. I assume this problem of file truncation will go once I set the renewed license file.
The file has a blue colored band on the top which displays the below text
“This file claims compliance with the PDF/A standard and has been opened read-only to prevent modification.”

In spite of the validating the file, the Conformance of the PDF/A reads as below
Standard: PDF/A-1A
ISO Name : ISO 19005-1
Status: not yet verified.

Will this message of Status not verified go away after setting a renewed license file or Is there anything that I am missing on the code front ?
Please advice.

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for contacting support.

Can you please share the resource file, so that we can test the scenario in our environment. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please either share your source documents along with code here so we will generate the PDFA document and will check the document truncation issue or you may request for a 30 days temporary license and test the scenario at your end.

Furthermore in reference to PDFA validation status question, please note validating PDFA conformance via API does not change status of PDFA document physically in document. Even if we verify PDFA document conformance manually in Adobe Acrobat then document status changes for time being and when you open document again it will change automatically to “Not Verified Yet”.

Best Regards,