Pdf and slides with tomcat 8.5.11

Dear Support

we are using aspose.pdf and aspose.slides on tomcat 6 without problems so far (had license for one month, planning to purchase).

Now i am testing tomcat 8.5.11 and as soon as i copy the aspose jar file(s) into the lib folder, tomcat won’t start anymore.

Even tried downloading the latest versions 17.2 but still the same result.

Are there any known issues with tomcat 8.5? (didn’t see any specific entry in tomcat logfile)

Thanks in advance


reto mani

Hi Reto,

Thanks for your inquriy. Please note when we place the Aspose Jars in “lib” directory and restart tomcat, tomcat starts jar scanning that takes long time to start.

It is a known fact that the signed jars placed in “lib” directory makes the tomcat startup process very slow. As a workaround you can skip Aspose Jars scanning, you have to modify file catalina.properties to change the option “tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jars” for the purpose. Please try following settings and share the results, it will resolve the issue.

File: ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/catalina.properties

# Default list of JAR files that should not be scanned using the JarScanner
# functionality. This is typically used to scan JARs for configuration
# information. JARs that do not contain such information may be excluded from
# the scan to speed up the scanning process. This is the default list. JARs on
# this list are excluded from all scans. The list must be a comma separated list
# of JAR file names.
# The list of JARs to skip may be over-ridden at a Context level for individual
# scan types by configuring a JarScanner with a nested JarScanFilter.
# The JARs listed below include:
# - Tomcat Bootstrap JARs
# - Tomcat API JARs
# - Catalina JARs
# - Jasper JARs
# - Tomcat JARs
# - Common non-Tomcat JARs
# - Test JARs (JUnit, Cobertura and dependencies)

Change it as:

# Default list of JAR files that should not be scanned using the JarScanner
# functionality. This
is typically used to scan JARs for configuration
# information. JARs that
do not contain such information may be excluded from
# the scan to speed up the scanning process. This
is the default list. JARs on
this list are excluded from all scans. The list must be a comma separated list
# of JAR file names.
# The list of JARs to skip may be over-ridden at a Context level
for individual
# scan types by configuring a JarScanner with a nested JarScanFilter.
# The JARs listed below include:
# - Tomcat Bootstrap JARs
# - Tomcat API JARs
# - Catalina JARs
# - Jasper JARs
# - Tomcat JARs
# - Common non-Tomcat JARs
# - Test JARs (JUnit, Cobertura and dependencies)

Best Regards,