PDF Concatenate issue

For the past month the below code has been working fine. Without any deployment, yesterday every output file is now 0 bytes. No errors are being thrown nor do I know how to detect any. I have downloaded the latest dll, rebooted and it still happens on our server. However, in development everything is fine. Any suggestions?

Public Function MergePDF(ByVal strPDFList As String, ByVal strOutputFile As String) As Boolean

Dim oLic As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.License


Dim oPDF As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileEditor

Dim charSeparators() As Char = {"|"c}

Dim oFiles() As String = strPDFList.Split(charSeparators, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

Return oPDF.Concatenate(oFiles, strOutputFile)

End Function

The strPDF example looks like this. "C:\test1.pdf|C:\test2.pdf"

No matter what files are attempted to be merged the result is always a 0 byte file on our server.

Anybody home?

Hi JeffK -

I'm not from Aspose support, but it seems you are getting the same kind of response from them that I am :(. So I thought I'd share my experience about this with you.

I have found a similar symptom when my temp directory has more than 65,000 files in it. This directory can be located by calling Path.GetTempPath(). Check it and see if you have a lot of files.

The version of Aspose that we currently use (Apose.Pdf.Kit version leaves empty files in this temp directory every time we call PdfFileEditor.Concatenate(). I have found that I had to automate the removal of these files or we quickly hit the 65,000 file limit.

Not sure if this is the problem you are experiencing, but thought I would share my info with you just in case.


You my friend are a GENIUS!! I have no idea how you figured this out but Aspose owes you some money. Thank you very much for taking time to respond to my post. It fixed my problem instantly.


Please fix this issue as well as respond to support questions in a more timely mlnner.

Hi Jeff,

I’m very sorry for replying you late. I would like to share that this issue is resolved in our upcoming release which will be published during next week. We’re in the process of reviewing this release. You’ll notified via this forum thread once it is published.

If you find any further questions, please do let us know.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 25102) have been fixed in this update.

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