We have a xls document that we are converting to PDF using your product.
Up until version 7.5.3 the result looked fine … but now, after upgrading to the version 8.8.0 (and 8.8.1) something seems broken.
1. the pdf document does not show the same page borders as before
2. using version 8.8.1 i even get white colored text in the lower light blue box
is there any hope this will behave like before?
Hi there,
Thanks for your inquiry. Please note your issue pertains to Aspose.Cells, so I am moving your post to the related forum. My colleague from Aspose.Cells will guide you appropriately.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Best Regards,
Hi Uwe,
Thank you for contacting Aspose support.
I have evaluated the presented scenario by comparing the PDF results of Aspose.Cells for .NET against Excel 2013. I am able to notice 2 major problems, which I have logged in our database for further investigation & correction purposes. The details of identified problems are as follow.
CELLSNET-44462: Double line border appears as single border in PDF.
CELLSNET-44463: Black text in TextBox renders white in PDF.
Regarding the issue of page borders (point 1 of your original post), could you please explain the issue in more detail, preferably with the help of snapshots/illustrations? We will look into it as well.
Please note, we cannot compare the results of the latest release with a legacy version because we are trying to maximize the Aspose.Cells’ rendering fidelity to match the results of Excel application, and we have enhanced the API over the time to achieve the aforementioned goal. If the current API’s result matches the Excel’s rendering results then we can not consider it as a bug on the part of Aspose.Cells APIs regardless of the fact that any previous release of the API used to behave differently. However, if Aspose.Cells’ results do not match with Excel generated results then we will consider is as a bug that needs correction.
Thanks for your using Aspose.Cells.
We have fixed your issue logged as CELLSNET-44463.
Please download and try the latest fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v8.8.1.3 and let us know your feedback.
Thank you for your help. I’ve tried using the new version and the two issues seem to be fixed.
Unfortunately this does not help me with my main problem.
The PDF-result I get from using Excels SaveAs-Option depends on which printer I select in the Print-Dialog. As far as i see, this is not an Option that is saved with the Excel-File itself. Using Aspose I don’t see where i could change the printer that is used as a basis for the PDF-Rendering.
To illustrate the situation I’ve added the following 3 screenshots. The first shows what we get from using Aspose As you can see the blue ribbon fills the page at the lower end. The two other screenshots show what we get from using MS-Excels SaveAs with the Default Printer (a Samsung 2525) and Microsoft XPS Printer. There are page-borders left, right and at the bottom, that are different depending on which printer is selected.
The code that creates the original Excel-file was fine-tuned to get to the desired output using version 7.5.3. Now that we’ve upgraded and the result has changed heavily, we’re forced to adjust the code again - hoping that the next upgrade won’t change things over again.
Hi Uwe,
Thank you for writing back.
First of all, please note that the PDF rendering is done through Aspose.Cells’ own rendering engine therefore it does not require any virtual printer for this process. However, if you wish to save the spreadsheet in PDF using any of the printers, you can use
WorkbookRender’s or
SheetRender’s ToPrinter method. Please review the
detailed article on this subject. Moreover, the rendering is done as per Excel’ Print Preview, that is; the PDF result should match what is shown in the Print Preview of the Excel application. If you check your provided spreadsheet in Excel’s Print Preview, you will notice that it matches the Aspose.Cells’ generated PDF for white spaces around the ribbon on bottom of the worksheet. Please check attached snapshot & PDF generated with of Aspose.Cells for your reference.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-44463) have been fixed in this update.
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