When converting a PPTX to PDF with meta file as vector images, all text was lost in the PDF.
var ppt = new Presentation(@“test.pptx”);
var option = new PdfOptions();
option.SaveMetafilesAsPng = false;
ppt.Save(@“test.pdf”, SaveFormat.Pdf, option);
I’ve attached the test files and a screenshot for your reference. Could you please kindly check?
image.png (53.4 KB)
test.zip (72.1 KB)
I have worked with the presentation file shared by you and have been able to observe the issue specified. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-40603 has been created in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue will be fixed. For time being can you please try to use below sample code to achieve desire result. Please check attachment for reference generated by code that i have shared with you.savedmeta.zip (79.9 KB)
Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + “Test.pptx”);
pres.Save(path + “savedmeta.pdf”, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);
The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-40603) have been fixed in this update.
Thanks for your updates. I have today tried the new release and found that the issue was indeed fixed in the latest version if I used the default compliance option (PDF15).
However, when I used the other compliance option PDF1Ab, it produced an exception
System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
var doc = new Presentation(@".\test.pptx");
var saveOptions = new PdfOptions();
saveOptions.Compliance = PdfCompliance.PdfA1b;
saveOptions.SaveMetafilesAsPng = false;
doc.Save(@".\out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, saveOptions);
Note that if I use MS Office Powerpoint to save the PPTX to PDF using PDF/A compliant option, it can actually produce the result properly.
image.png (36.0 KB)
Could you help us check that? I’ve attached my test file for your reference.
test.zip (3.9 MB)
I have created an issue with ID SLIDESNET-42124 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-42124) have been fixed in this update.