PDF footer text not converted to Word properly

Hi Team,

we have a PDF attached - Test_Page1-4.pdf and it does have footer value

‘TXFB TDP 004 02 24’ in page 1
‘TXFB TDP 004 02 24’ in page 2.

We are using Aspose.Words API to convert this PDF to Word.

Converted Word document - Test_Page1-4.docx is not retaining the information as in PDF. Word document footer value

TXFB TDP 1 1 24 in Page 1
TXFB TDP 2 2 24 in Page 2

instead of ‘TXFB TDP 004 02 24’ PDF footer value.

Could you please check and update us ASAP.

Test_Page1-4.docx (50.4 KB)

Test_Page1-4.pdf (139.6 KB)

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