PDF Kit licencing


We have an Aspose total license that we are registering with the code below but when we convert a PDF to an image we are getting an "evaluation only" message. Can you please confirm if we are licensed to use the PDF Kit or if this is possibly something else.

NB- we are converting word docs, excel spreadsheets and emails to HTML from the same class with the same license registration code and not getting the evaluation message.

This is called in the constructor every time we instantiate the class:-

private void SetLicense()
Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();

This is the conversion code which we render in a popup div on our web page:-

public string GetPDFHTML(string fileName)
StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder();
PdfConverter converter = new PdfConverter();
converter.StartPage = 1;
converter.EndPage = 3;
String prefix = fileName.Replace(".pdf", "");
prefix = prefix.Replace(".PDF", "");
String suffix = ".jpg";
int imageCount = 1;

while (converter.HasNextImage())
converter.GetNextImage(prefix + imageCount + suffix, ImageFormat.Png);
Path.GetFileName(prefix + imageCount + suffix));

return outputString.ToString();

Thanks in advance

James Sutherland

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Licensing - Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET

Hi James,

As I can see, you’re not setting the license for Aspose.Pdf.Kit. When you use multiple Aspose components, you need to set license for every component. For example, in addition to above lines to set license for Aspose.Words, you will add the license setting code for other components as shown for Aspose.Pdf.Kit below:

Aspose.Pdf.Kit.License pdfLic = new Aspose.Pdf.Kit.License();


I hope this helps. If you still find any issues then please do let us know.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.