PDF Portfolio - default visible properties


When creating a PDF portfolio, is there a way to set the properties that are visible by default? I cannot see this option anywhere in the code.


void Main()
// For complete examples and data files, please go to GitHub - aspose-pdf/Aspose.PDF-for-.NET: Aspose.PDF for .NET examples, plugins and showcase projects
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = @"C:\mja\20200930";

// Instantiate Document Object
Document doc = new Document();

// Instantiate document Collection object
doc.Collection = new Collection();

// Get Files to add to Portfolio
FileSpecification excel = new FileSpecification( dataDir + “excel.xlsx”);
FileSpecification word = new FileSpecification( dataDir + “word.docx”);
FileSpecification pdf = new FileSpecification(dataDir + “set_menu_230_z_wrzesien_2020.pdf”);

// Provide description of the files
excel.Description = “Excel File”;
word.Description = “Word File”;
pdf.Description = “PDF File”;

// Add files to document collection

// Save Portfolio document
doc.Save(dataDir + “CreatePDFPortfolio_out.pdf”);

// Define other methods and classes here

I would like to achieve:

  1. setting columns to “predefined ones” - please see the attached screenshot. It is possible to set manually after the portfolio has been created and opened.
    pdf_portfolio_properties.png (11.2 KB)
  2. creating own custom properties and displaying them by default

Aspose.PDF version -

Thanks in advance!


Could you please ZIP and attach your input files (Word, Excel and PDF), problematic and expected output PDF files here for testing? We will investigate the issue and provide you more information on it.

Hi @tahir.manzoor, please find attached files here: files.zip (305.0 KB)

As for the expected PDF - I attached the output PDF “CreatePDFPortfolio_out.pdf” but the actual issue is that I cannot set what I want - it has been described earlier.



We have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as PDFJAVA-41188. You will be notified via this forum thread once there is an update available on it. We apologize for your inconvenience.


any new on this one?
Does case ID ‘PDFJAVA-41188’ suggest it is JAVA issue? We report it for .NET.



We have logged new ticket for Aspose.PDF for .NET as #PDFNET-51833.

Currently, your issue is pending for analysis and is in the queue. Once we complete the analysis of your issue, we will then be able to provide you an estimate.

Hi Tahir,

Any news?


Unfortunately, there is no update available on this issue at the moment. We will be sure to inform you once there is an update available on it.