PDF to DOCX font name generation


When doing PDF to DOCX conversion with Aspose, if some font is not presented in the current system, Aspose generates a new name on a template “Fontname”=>“WYDFYJ+Fontname”. So, extends real fontname with additionally generated random prefix.
Is is on purpose? Can this be switched off?


Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your inquiry. We have noticed the issue and logged it as PDFNEWNET-37742 in our issue tracking system for further investigation and resolution. We will keep you updated about issue resolution progress.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,

Hi Ahmad,

Thank you! I’m looking forward for the feedback!
Kind regards

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your patience. We have discussed the issue with development team and would like to update you that font name generation behavior is by design. It cannot be turned-off. A bit simplified reason is : PDF file can contain several fonts with same names, so, prefixes are added for guaranty to identify font names uniquely.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,

Hi Ahmad,

>PDF file can contain several fonts with same names
Sorry, not completely clear. If one font name is used twice in document, how can this point to different fonts?

Another question: what is the generation algorithm of these names? How to rollback changes done by Aspose?
In other words, if I want to do postprocessing of resulting DOCX file and convert these artificial generated fontnames to real names, how can I detect if name is generated or it is just weird font used in original PDF?

Kind regards,

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your feedback. The prefixed names are actually subsets embedded into the document. The fonts are subsets in the PDF and also defined with prefixes. The prefixes are different (during document processing new font subsets are generated based on source fonts with new prefixes). It cannot be turned off.

Moreover, the prefix generation algorithm is simple:
six randomly generated characters][plus sign][font name].

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,