PDF to PDF A/3-b with attachment - standalone Java - Linux - JDK16 - ZUGFerD


Please share a sample .cer file with us with which we will perform testing at our end.

Please note that you can sign a PDF digitally using Aspose.PDF for Java as signing is one of the features in the API. You will need to purchase license for Aspose.PDF for Java by selecting the license type that suits your needs.

Hi Asad.

Please find the attached sample .cer file and password is 12345678.
Please perform testing and update on this.

SrinivasuSanjeev Gupta Digital file (5).zip (1.5 KB)


We tested the scenario with 21.5 version and noticed that the API threw an Exception. Hence, an issue as PDFJAVA-40569 has been logged in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its rectification. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Asad,

Please let us know the status on this.



We are afraid that the earlier logged ticket is not yet resolved. It was recently logged in our issue tracking system and is pending for investigation. We will investigate it on first come first serve basis and let you know once it is fixed. Please give us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hi Asad,

Could you please let us know is there any update on this issue?

Srinivasu Y


We are afraid that the earlier logged ticket could not get resolved due to other issues logged prior to it. We will let you know as soon as we make some significant progress towards its resolution. Please be patient and give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Asad,

Regarding ZUGFeRD format PDF output we have seen another issue while we were moving the UAT instance. we have seen the format text issue for German language after converting ZUGFeRD format. it is working correct DEV instance but after applying the changes in the UAT instance we are seeing this issue.
Could you please check attached output for your reference.
Kindly check and update on this.

Srinivasu Domino___Select_Invoice_Intern_280721(3).pdf (191.8 KB)

Hi Asad,

Looks like the issue with version compatibility i have seen the DEV version is java version “1.6.0_211”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_211-b11)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 20.211-b11, mixed mode, sharing)
which is working correctly .
But we seen the UAT version is java version “1.6.0_151”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_151-b32)
Java HotSpot™ Server VM (build 20.151-b32, mixed mode) is not working correctly for generating the ZUGFeRD format.

Could you please check and let us know whether the issue with java version or any other issue?



Have you tried using 21.7 version of the API? Please try using it and in case issue still persists, please share following information with us so that we can proceed further to address the issue:

  • Source files
  • Complete code snippet to generate the PDF that you shared
  • Locale Settings of the system where issue is occurring

Hi Asad,

We have tried the download the 21.7 version of the API and compile the code but we have seen below error.Could you please check on this error and please find the version of the our environment and attached code for your reference.

dps-ap-erptst1.dps.local:TEST:appltest>javac AsposeTest.java
AsposeTest.java:32: cannot access com.aspose.pdf.Document
bad class file: /u01/oracle/test/comn/java/oracle/apps/xxdomi/aspose2/com/aspose/pdf/Document.class
class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
Document doc = new Document(concDir+f);
1 error

Version : dps-ap-erptst1.dps.local:TEST:appltest>java -version
java version “1.6.0_151”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_151-b32)
Java HotSpot™ Server VM (build 20.151-b32, mixed mode)

Hi Asad,

Please find the attached sample code and after and before converting tested outputs.

Srinivsu Sample outputs and code.zip (205.0 KB)


We tested the case under JDK 1.8 and Aspose.PDF for Java 21.7. We did not notice any error or character overlapping in the output PDF. We have also logged an investigation ticket as PDFJAVA-40727 in our issue tracking system to analyze the API working under JDK16. We will further look into details of the issue from the perspective of the information that you provided and let you know once the ticket is resolved. Please be patient and give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Asad,

Thank you very much your support so far on this project and i hope this issue will be resolved asap.
We have almost completed our development in DEV instance and working as expected with ‘aspose-pdf-20.12-jdk16’ version. But once we have moved this into UAT instance we have seen characters overlapping and UAT instance java version is java version “1.6.0_151”.

Could you please provide the API for working on this version.

Thanks in Advance.

Srinivasu Y


We have recorded your concerns and will surely consider them during issue investigation. We would also like to share with you that issue (if found) will be resolved in the higher version of the API and you will need to upgrade to the latest available version when ticket is resolved. You are using 20.12 version which is quite old and it is always recommended to use the latest version of the API because we change, add and remove some Classes in every release so it is better to keep the project up to date with latest version.

Hi Asad,

May i know is there any progress on this issue?

Srinivasu Y


The investigation against the logged ticket is not yet performed. Please note that it was recently generated in the system and will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. We will surely inform you once we make certain progress towards its resolution. Please be patient and give us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hi Asad,

Thanks for the update.
And also our business raised one more issues related to attachment of the file name.
We are getting the xml attachment directly from the server and attached the PDF file with same name but our business needs to change the name as ‘zugferd-invoice.xml’ .

We have tried to use the method ‘fileSpecification.setName(“zugferd-invoice.xml”)’ but it is not working.
Please help to check this issue as well.

Thanks & Regards,


Could you please share more details like sample code snippet and sample source files for our reference so that we can investigate and address the issue accordingly?

Hi Asad,

We are getting the xml file(i.e o182943541.xml) directly from sever and attached the in PDF
through your API.But we need to change the xml file name as “zugferd-invoice.xml” .currently it is displaying the o182943541.xml format.

Could you please find attached tested output and code for your reference.
Kindly check and update on this ASAP.

And regarding the PDFJAVA-40727 ticket status could you please let us know when will be get resolved . our business needs to move these changes into PROD asap.
Kindly check and update on this ticket status.

Thanks in Advance.
Srinivasu YJava code and PDF output file.zip (194.1 KB)