Pdf to word conversion in word 2013

I have a template file in pdf and when i use aspose.pdf to convert it into word so it convert sucessfully. the output file is

when i open it in word 2016 so it is as expected.

but if i open in word 2013 so it is

but this is not expected result. i m using aspose.pdf version and i have also tried with

sample template file in pdf is

my code is

 Document pdfDocument = new Document(templateFilePath);
pdfDocument.Save(fileName + ".docx", Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.DocX);

We have converted your source PDF to Word document and could not replicate the problem of misplaced text as visible in your snapshot inWord2013.png. These are the output Word documents created with and without applying license: OutputWordFiles.zip (17.1 KB).

Kindly open these Word files and let us know how that goes into your environment. If you are able to find the same problem as visible in the snapshot inWord2013.png, then please share details of the environment, including operating system name and edition, Microsoft Word application edition and version number, local language settings and some other handy information which could help us to replicate this problem in our environment.

yes i am still facing this issue the template you have sent me is opening in word 2013 exactly like inWord2013.png. Now sure what is the problem. aspose.word creates the document as expected. i am using windows 7 service pack 1, microsoft visual studio professional 2017 version 4.7.02053 and microsoft office 365 ProPlus version 15.0.4963.1002. The OutputWordFiles.zip files you sent me is also opened like inWord2013.png in my machine.

Thank you for the confirmation. We are investigating your query as per the shared environment details. We will get back to you soon.


We are still unable to replicate this error in our environment. It appears as an environmental specific problem, please open the output Word document on any other computer and see how that goes.