PDF Truncation during concatenation

I am using version Aspose.Pdf

I am attempting to concatenate pdf documents that are 11.69 inches tall.
however, when they are concatenated into 1 document the top of each page has been chopped off because each page has been truncated to 11 inches.

Is there a workaround to this?



Here is the code

private static Stream ConcatenateStreams(this Stream[] streams){
PdfFileEditor editor = new PdfFileEditor();
Stream returner = new MemoryStream();
if (editor.Concatenate(streams, returner)){
return returner;
throw new Exception(“Unable to contactenate streams…”);


I would like to share with you that, the support is provided on the basis of latest available version of the API. So, I request you to try the concatenation with Aspose.Pdf for .NET 17.10 if you are using .NET platform, or Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.10 if you are using Java platform as these are the latest available versions at the moment. The articles below explain how to concatenate the PDF files.

.NET article: Concatenate PDF documents
Java article: Concatenate PDF documents

I hope this will be helpful. Please get back to us along with the source code and sample files if the issue persists.