
I have a problem with the method Append of PdfFileEditor. When i call this function with streams i get an System.NullReferenceException. The code looks like:
PdfFileEditor editor = new PdfFileEditor();
editor.Append(stream1, stream2, 1, 1, result);
When i save the pdf-streams to files and call Append with these filenames as parameters i receive a pdf-file that contains what i expected. How can i get the streams working?
i use version of aspose.pdf.kit for .net.

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Append Method - Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET and Java

Hi Andreas,

I have tested the issue at my end using Aspose.Pdf.Kit 3.4, but I'm unable to reproduce the problem.

Please share the complete code snippet, and the PDF files you're using to perform this task. This will help us understand the problem, and find out the reason behind this issue.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.


Hi Shazad,
i tried to pu an example together that reproduces the error, but i failed in doing so, since it worked when i was done.
meanwehile i found out, that it must have to do with the memorystream that i use so append. the stream that doesn't work ist a stream that has exactly the same length as the stream that works (which was read from a file) an the same content too. But the capacity of the stream ist much bigger than the stream that works. But setting the capacity of the generated pdf-stream doesn't fix the problem.
now i try to figure out, what went wrong when i created the pdf-stream in memory.