Performance issue when converting docx into PDF using Aspose.Words.NET (23.1.0)

Hi there,

We have upgraded Aspose.Words dll from 20.6.0 to 23.1.0 and updated the license file as well. After upgrade the packages, we found some performance issues while converting docx into PDF document. Could you please let us know, what is the reason for these performance issues or suggest a way to increase the performance?


@Jpsakthi Could you please attach the problematic document here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

@Jpsakthi When upgrading from one version of Aspose.Words to another, it is possible to encounter performance differences due to various factors such as changes in the library’s internal implementation, new features, or improvements. To diagnose and address the performance issues you’re experiencing, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Profile and Identify Performance Bottlenecks: Use profiling tools to identify the specific areas of your code that are experiencing performance degradation. This will help you focus on optimizing those areas.
  2. Review the Release Notes and Changelog: Examine the release notes and changelog for Aspose.Words versions between 20.6.0 and 23.1.0. Look for any changes related to performance, optimizations, or known issues that might impact the conversion process. The release notes often provide valuable insights into potential performance improvements or known limitations.
  3. Analyze Code Changes: Evaluate any code changes made during the upgrade process. Ensure that the existing code is compatible with the new version of Aspose.Words and review any changes in the usage of Aspose.Words API. Make sure that you are utilizing the library in an optimal manner.
  4. Consider Document Complexity: Assess the complexity and size of the DOCX documents being converted to PDF. Performance issues may arise if the documents contain large images, complex formatting, nested tables, or other intricate elements. Identify if there are specific types of documents that are causing the performance degradation and evaluate potential optimizations for those cases.
  5. Check Document-specific Performance Settings: Aspose.Words provides various settings that can affect the performance of document processing operations. For example, you can adjust the MemoryOptimizationMode, LayoutOptions, or other relevant properties to optimize the conversion process based on your specific scenario. Review the Aspose.Words documentation for relevant settings and experiment with different configurations to find the best performance trade-offs.
  6. Contact Aspose Support: If you have an active license, consider reaching out to Aspose Support directly. They can provide personalized assistance, review your code, and offer guidance on performance optimizations specific to your use case.
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Hi @alexey.noskov

TestTemplate.docx (23.6 KB)

Please find the attached template for your reference.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-25560

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hi @alexey.noskov,

test (2).docx (208.4 KB)
test (1).pdf (272.6 KB)

These are the generated documents from the given template. Please refer these files as well and where can I track the issue (Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-25560) that you’ve created?


@Jpsakthi Thank you for additional information. You can track the issue here in this thread. You can see the status of the issue at the bottom of this page. We will be sure to let you know once the issue is resolved or we have more information for you.

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@alexey.noskov, Can we have a quick update for this issue?

@Jpsakthi The issue is currently in the queue for analysis. Once analysis is done we will be able to provide you more information. There is another similar issue, which is currently in analysis and it looks like performance issue occurred after changes in obfuscation process. Most likely you have encountered the same problem. But it is difficult to say for sure until our development team complete the analysis.

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@alexey.noskov, We’re deploying the solution with package & license file upgrade. It would be better, if you provide any update regarding this.

@Jpsakthi We will keep you updated and let you know once there are news regarding the issue.

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@alexey.noskov I can see that the issue has been closed and what was the update on the performance?

@Jpsakthi Here are results before the fix:

Iteration 22.9 23.6
1 94 176
2 104 152
3 91 163
4 87 182
Avg 94 ms 168ms

And here are results after the fix:

Iteration 22.9 23.6 23.6.optimized
1 86 132 89
2 85 108 92
3 80 122 90
4 93 106 81
Avg 86 ms 117 ms 88 ms

The fix will be included into the next 23.7 version of Aspose.Words. We will be sure to let you knwo once it is released.

@alexey.noskov, We’re facing the performance issue in 23.1.0 release. If possible, could you please provide the performance metrics comparison report with 23.1.0 version as well?

@Jpsakthi They are the same as for the latest 23.6 version. Performance degradation occurred after 22.9 version due to the changes in the library protection mechanisms. We have fixed this. 23.7 version with the fix will be available within a week.

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@alexey.noskov, Thanks a lot for your immediate response. We’re looking forward v23.7 to be released.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-25560) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 23.7 update also available on NuGet.

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