Performing replacement and include - saving to PDF

We have a customer who is currently using Word automation to perform the following.

  1. Open a .dot file
  2. Include one more .doc files into the .dot - with the headers/footers in the .dot taking precedence over any headers/footers in the included file(s).
  3. Replace bookmarked text and known text strings with values supplied to the program.
  4. Save the resulting document as PDF.

Things to note:

  1. The included documents have grouped images in them
  2. There is a mode of operation where we need to append to existing tables in the documents.
  3. There is a mode of operation where we need to add a section break and change the header/footer for the new section (in fact, the header has the name of the included document, so this is relevant when including more than one document.

Can the above be done with Aspose.Word?

If so, can someone please give me some code snippets to get me going?

I have a trial version and am keen to give it a try before I commit to our customer on effort/cost!

I reckon I’ve managed to answer my questions from the very good example explorer!

Hi James,

Thanks for your inquiry. It is nice to hear from you that you have managed to get answers of your queries. Please feel free to ask if you have any question about Aspose.Words, we will be happy to help you.