PhysicalPercentComplete always saved as zero

I can’t get the PhysicalPercentComplete attribute to save with anything other than zero. I don’t have any issues with the other PercentComplete or PercentWorkComplete fields, just PhysicalPercentComplete. Reading works just fine though. Is this a bug? I made sure to also test with the latest version available on your site.

var project = new Project(“test.mpp”);
var task = project.RootTask.Children.First();
task.Set(Tsk.PercentComplete, 10);
task.Set(Tsk.PhysicalPercentComplete, 20);
project.Save(“test.mpp”, SaveFileFormat.MPP);

Hi Lou,

Tank you for contacting Aspose support team.

This issue is re-produced where “PhysicalPercentComplete” is saved in XML file but not saved in MPP file. It is logged under Id: TASKSNET-1589 for further investigation by the product team. You will be automatically notified once any update is received in this regard.

So, realistically, when do bugs such as this get addressed? This bug is holding up a fix in our product, and you would think for the Thou$sands we spent on product licenses with Aspose, we would be able to get a reproduced bug fixed. What can we tell our management?


We are sorry to share that the issue is till pending for resolution by our Product team. We’ve requested an ETA for the same and will update you here as soon as there is some information available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKSNET-1589) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

Thanks for the update, the new version will save Physical % Complete.

I did notice though that it only works if we’ve manually added that column to the Gantt view in Project before saving from Aspose. That wasn’t the case for the normal % Complete, can you confirm this is the expected behavior?

Hi Lou,

We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for pointing out this issue. I have re-produced the issue and informed the product team to look into this issue again. You will be automatically notified once any update is received in this regard.