Picture not showing within Picture Frame when saving presentation as PDF

When saving a presentation to a PDF file type, Pictures within Picture Frames do not show up, the border of the picture frame is showing though.

newPresentation.Save(fileLocation, SaveFormat.Pdf);

When calling:

newPresentation.Save(fileLocation, SaveFormat.Pptx);

the image is displayed fine within the Picture Frame.


If you first save PPTX to disk and then export it to PDF after reloading PPTX, there will be no such issue. As this issue is interlinked with this thread created by you, PPTX to PDF export will also be resolved on resolving same issue with SlideEx.GetThumbnail.

Hi Sabir

Eric is working with me on the same project. When we change the code to first save it to pptx, then reload and save it as PDF the image shows up fine, but the pdf is corrupted. I will send you a PM with the attached PPTX and PDF we are having problems with. Here is the code:

var newPresentation = CreateAsposePresentation(presentationModel, true);
newPresentation.Save(fileLocation, SaveFormat.Pptx);
PresentationEx pdfPresentation = new PresentationEx(fileLocation);
string pdfFileLocation = fileLocation.Replace(".pptx", “.pdf”);
pdfPresentation.Save(pdfFileLocation, SaveFormat.Pdf);
return fileLocation;

Hi Nick,

Please resend the mail as i could not receive it for some reason.

Sent via email



Hi Nick,

I have received the mail. I need some time to investigate the issue.

Hi Nick,

As per our email conversation, there is no problem when same PPTX converted to PPT is exported as PDF. Moreover, you don't have to save the file to disk prior to PDF export, that is, create PPT version of said PPTX, save to stream and export. Also, PPTX to PDF export has been introduced for the first time in Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.0.1 and is in the improvement phase, so it can be adopted as workaround till the fix of PPTX to PDF issues.

Hi Nick,

Attached is the Aspose.Slides for .NET version with the fix of this issue with PPTX to PDF export.