Pictures with absolute position sometimes appear on wrong page when converting from DOCX to PDF

Hi, I’m using the latest Aspose.Words version (18.7.0) to convert a DOCX document to PDF.

However, when opening this document in Microsoft Word 2016, all the pictures are showed correctly, but when using Aspose to save it as PDF, there are two picture that appear over the footer and on the wrong page.

We’ve investigated a lot and found that when we open the DOCX in Microsoft Word 2010, it shows the pictures at the wrong place, just like the generated PDF from Aspose.
However, when opening exactly the same DOCX in Microsoft Word 2016, the pictures are showed correctly.

Knowing that, when loading the DOCX in Aspose, we set the loadOptions.MswVersion property to MsWordVersion.Word2016, but it didn’t correct the output in the PDF to have the picture showed correctly at the same place as the DOCX when opened in Microsoft Word 2016.

If you can take a look at that, we would be very happy.

Here is the DOCX : FOR-BETV-H-M-058 Critères de l’évaluation de l’hé (868.2 KB)

Here is the PDF generated with Aspose : FOR-BETV-H-M-058 Critères de l’évaluation de l’hémogramme_version labo[600].pdf (1.2 MB)



Thanks for your inquiry. We tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same problem on our end. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system. The ID of this issue is WORDSNET-17111. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Cool, thanks for the quick reply !


Looks like this is a similar issue to the one recorded for us under WORDSNET-17075

Kind regards


WORDSNET-17075 is a different issue. Please follow your thread for further proceedings.