Pivot filter text copied to cells below it


We found an issue with pivot tables containing pivot filters; when the pivot table is refresh, the text in the pivot filter cells are copied down to the row below it. Now that the file is successfully saved, the we found that the cells below the pivot filter has the same text as the pivot filter.

I have attached a small application to demonstrate the issue.
I have also attache an input file “input file with pivot filter.xlsx”; this file contains a table and a pivot table with a pivot filter.

When you run the project, an excel and a pdf file will be generated called “generatedFile” in the same folder as the input file.

If you could stop this from happening, that would be great.
PS: It seems that if the PivotTable.CalculateRange() method is not called, the issue is not there.
PS: We are on version


Thanks for the sample project with a template file.

After an initial test, I can notice the issue as you mentioned by running your project with the template file. When the pivot table is refreshed, the text in the pivot filtered cells is copied down to the row below it (see the screen shot attached).

I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSNET-41719” for your issue. We will look into your issue soon.

Once we have any update on it, we will let you know here.

Thank you.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

We have fixed the issue.

Please download and try this fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.4.3.5 and let us know your feedback.


Thank you for resolving this issue; I have updated to version and we are no longer getting text copied down from the report filter row.


Thanks for your feedback.

It’s good to know your issue is resolved with the latest fix. If you encounter any other issue, please feel free to post on forum, we will be glad to help you further.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-41719) have been fixed in this update.

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