Dear Aspose Team,
I am facing few issues in the aspose pivot table and charts.Please find the below issue for your reference: Please let me know how to achieve this feature.
S.No | Tittle | Description |
1 | Pivot Table Issue :Opening Excel in MS Excel 2003 | I tried to open the generated excel file from the "Open" button of the IE. The excel has been generated by reading an excel template. While I am clicking the Open button it is opening and at the same time it is popping up an error message saying "Cannot open Pivot Table Source file.....".But when I am saving the generated excel file using the "Save" button and opening it from the file from the saved path it is opening properly without any error. eg: we use the following line in our application: workbook.Save(fileName + ".xls", FileFormatType.Default,SaveType.OpenInExcel , System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response); Note: Already receive the reference from your end on this, any update version on this? : we have the requirement needs to open the excel file directly without saving in local machine.could you please advice on this. |
2 | Pivot Table Alignment | |
i) Pivot Header and data: font size,font type and bold | ||
ii) Pivot Header and data alignment | ||
iii) Pivot Header: Background color ,fore color | ||
Refer the screen shot 2 | ||
3 | Chart tittle | i) tittle box with shadow |
ii) wrap the chart tittle text(multiline) | ||
iii) line chart specif color for each series | ||
iv) how to achieve legend on top right of the chart | ||
Refer the screen shot 3 | ||
4 | Arrow line in Clustred column chart | |
How to achieve the arrow line in a column chart by dynamic way (starting and ending point of arrow line) | ||
Refer the screen shot 4 | ||
5 | 100% stack Bar chart data label | |
How to achieve the data label in 100% stack bar chart | ||
Refer the screen shot 5 | ||
Thank you