Pivot table and chart

Dear Aspose Team,

I am facing few issues in the aspose pivot table and charts.Please find the below issue for your reference: Please let me know how to achieve this feature.

S.No Tittle Description
1 Pivot Table Issue :Opening Excel in MS Excel 2003 I tried to open the generated excel file from the "Open" button of the IE. The excel has been generated by reading an excel template. While I am clicking the Open button it is opening and at the same time it is popping up an error message saying "Cannot open Pivot Table Source file.....".But when I am saving the generated excel file using the "Save" button and opening it from the file from the saved path it is opening properly without any error. eg: we use the following line in our application: workbook.Save(fileName + ".xls", FileFormatType.Default,SaveType.OpenInExcel , System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response); Note: Already receive the reference from your end on this, any update version on this? :http://www.aspose.com/documentation/file-format-components/aspose.cells-for-.net-and-java/pivot-table-issue.html we have the requirement needs to open the excel file directly without saving in local machine.could you please advice on this.
2 Pivot Table Alignment
i) Pivot Header and data: font size,font type and bold
ii) Pivot Header and data alignment
iii) Pivot Header: Background color ,fore color
Refer the screen shot 2
3 Chart tittle i) tittle box with shadow
ii) wrap the chart tittle text(multiline)
iii) line chart specif color for each series
iv) how to achieve legend on top right of the chart
Refer the screen shot 3
4 Arrow line in Clustred column chart
How to achieve the arrow line in a column chart by dynamic way (starting and ending point of arrow line)
Refer the screen shot 4
5 100% stack Bar chart data label
How to achieve the data label in 100% stack bar chart
Refer the screen shot 5

Thank you


Hi Saravanan,

Well, I am afraid, currently you have to use only the predefined Formats using PivotTableAutoFormatType enum to format your pivot table on the whole. The main reason is that Aspose.Cells for .NET does not support to manipulate/format Pivot Table at the moment, it does not support to change color formattings, set alignment and font setting for the cells which are the part of pivot table report, it only forces MS Excel to create the pivot table in predefined manner at runtime when opening the generated file into MS Excel.

Moreover, you cannot change or format data series of pivot charts that is created based on pivot table as a source using Chart.PivotSource attribute. But if you are creating the chart separately, you can manipulate or format data series for your need.


Please change your code to:

workbook.Save(fileName + “.xls”, FileFormatType.Default,SaveType.OpenInBrowser , System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response); … it will work for your need.


Sorry, the features are not supported, we will start working on it in the next month.


i) Title shadow:

Please see the following sample code snippet:

chart.Title.Text = “Overdue Action Points by Area”;

chart.Title.TextFont.Size = 9;

chart.Title.TextFont.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

chart.Title.TextFont.IsBold = true;

chart.Title.Border.IsVisible = true;

chart.Title.Shadow = true;

ii) Multi-line title:

chart.Title.Text = “Overdue Action \nPoints by Area”;

chart.Title.TextFont.Size = 9;

chart.Title.TextFont.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

chart.Title.TextFont.IsBold = true;

iii) Series color:

NSeries nseries = chart.NSeries;

nseries[i].Line.Color = Color.Red;


Custom legend position is not supported.


Not supported.


See the following codes:

for (int j = 0; j <= sheet2.Charts[index].NSeries.Count; j++)


sheet2.Charts[index].NSeries[j].DataLabels.IsValueShown = true;


Thank you.