I have a template file S1.xls with a pivot table and some data. The pivot table source is a range name called "RepDataRange". What I need to do is use aspose.cells to open the template and refresh the pivot table. I am able to do that but the result is not correct.
When I open S1.xls with MS Excel after processing the pivot it don't look right , but when I use MS Excel and refresh the pivot table it fixes the problem.
So the code I am using to refresh the pivot in aspose is not working. Here is my code:
Generally, the fix takes 2~3 days. If the issue is difficult, then it can take a week or two. We have added your comment in our database. Once the issue is resolved or we have a workaround, we will update you asap.
Sorry the issue with the collapse is really not an issue. It is showing up on my side because I had some extra commands that I forgot to comment it out
'For i As Integer = 0 To pivotable.RowFields.Count - 1
' pivotable.RowFields(i).AutoSortField = 0
'For o As Integer = 0 To pivotable.ColumnFields.Count - 1
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