PivotField. Missing property


I can’t find this property in Aspose.Cells. Could you please fix it or show me it, if such property already exist?

Ribbon -> PivotTable Tools -> Options -> Active Field -> Field Settings:
Subtotals & Filters
Include new items in manual filter
Layout & Print
Repeat item labels
Show items with no data
Insert page break after each item

I am using Excel 2010 and Aspose.Cells

Thank you,
Alex Shloma


Thanks for your post.

Yes, there are some properties that are not yet supported for PivotField. I have logged a ticket for it with an id:CELLSNET-40180. We will soon look into it to support all of them for your needs.

Thank you.

This issue is supported / fixed in the latest aspose version
Please use this sample code:
PivotTable table = wb.Worksheets[0].PivotTables[0];
PivotField field = table.RowFields[0];

We have a compatibility problem with the property 'IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter'. This property is always equals to 'false' in the documents in *.xls format.
I created a simple document with Pivot Table in *.xls format. The property 'IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter' (RowFields -> 'Product') value equals to 'true', but Aspose.Cells returns 'false'.

PivotFieldCollection pfc = pt.RowFields;
for (int i = 0; i < pfc.Count; i++)
PivotField pf = pfc[i];
printLine("IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter", pf.IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.ToString(), SPACE4); // my inner printing method
I am using Excel 2010 and Aspose.Cells

Thank you,
Alex Shloma


Yes, I can find the issue as you have mentioned, the IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter property of PivotField returns false where it should return true for the XLS file.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@“e:\test2\AsposeIsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.xls”);
PivotTable pt = workbook.Worksheets[1].PivotTables[0];
PivotFieldCollection pfc = pt.RowFields;
for (int i = 0; i < pfc.Count; i++)
PivotField pf = pfc[i];
MessageBox.Show("IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter " + pf.IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.ToString()); False

I have reopened your issue again and we will soon look into it.

Thank you.


We have fixed this issue. Please download: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.0.4.3

Thank you!!!

Issue fixed.

Best regards,
Alex Shloma

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40180) have been fixed in this update.

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