I can’t find this property in Aspose.Cells. Could you please fix it or show me it, if such property already exist?
Ribbon -> PivotTable Tools -> Options -> Active Field -> Field Settings:
Subtotals & Filters
Include new items in manual filter
Layout & Print
Repeat item labels
Show items with no data
Insert page break after each item
I am using Excel 2010 and Aspose.Cells
Thank you,
Alex Shloma
Thanks for your post.
Yes, there are some properties that are not yet supported for PivotField. I have logged a ticket for it with an id:CELLSNET-40180. We will soon look into it to support all of them for your needs.
Thank you.
This issue is supported / fixed in the latest aspose version
Please use this sample code:
PivotTable table = wb.Worksheets[0].PivotTables[0];
PivotField field = table.RowFields[0];
We have a compatibility problem with the property 'IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter'. This property is always equals to 'false' in the documents in *.xls format.
I created a simple document with Pivot Table in *.xls format. The property 'IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter' (RowFields -> 'Product') value equals to 'true', but Aspose.Cells returns 'false'.
PivotFieldCollection pfc = pt.RowFields;
for (int i = 0; i < pfc.Count; i++)
PivotField pf = pfc[i];
printLine("IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter", pf.IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.ToString(), SPACE4); // my inner printing method
I am using Excel 2010 and Aspose.Cells
Thank you,
Alex Shloma
Yes, I can find the issue as you have mentioned, the IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter property of PivotField returns false where it should return true for the XLS file.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@“e:\test2\AsposeIsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.xls”);
PivotTable pt = workbook.Worksheets[1].PivotTables[0];
PivotFieldCollection pfc = pt.RowFields;
for (int i = 0; i < pfc.Count; i++)
PivotField pf = pfc[i];
MessageBox.Show("IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter " + pf.IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter.ToString()); False
I have reopened your issue again and we will soon look into it.
Thank you.
Thank you!!!
Issue fixed.
Best regards,
Alex Shloma
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40180) have been fixed in this update.
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