PleaseReportException opening document

I’m currently evaluating Aspose.Words to see if it is suitable for a project I’m working on and I’ve run into a problem.
When trying to open the attached file I get a PleaseReportException. Below is the exception as reported by the Document Explorer sample.

Document Explorer.exe

Version 1.0.2377.30102

06 July 2006 13:10:49

Aspose.Words.PleaseReportException: Cannot find an entry for the specified position in the PLCF. For free technical support, please post this error and the file in the Aspose.Words Forums <>.
at ഁ.Ꮃ.Ꮑ(Int32 _ࠌ)
at ഁ.ᅝ.ᑀ(Int32 ᅃ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.ោ(Int32 ៅ, ྭ ᅌ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.ួ(Char ᒭ, Int32 ቎, ྭ ᅌ, ᕢ ᅍ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.ា(ྭ ᅌ, ᕢ ᅍ, ៉ ឴, Int32 ُ, Int32 _ߜ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.឵(Int32 ᅅ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.ឳ(៉ ឴)
at ᄸ.ឦ.٩(Int32 ឲ, Int32 _ߜ)
at ᄸ.ឦ.٩()
at ᄸ.ᄷ.֟()
at Aspose.Words.Document.෾(Stream ղ, String भ)
at Aspose.Words.Document.ڴ(Stream ղ, LoadFormat ෼, String भ)
at Aspose.Words.Document…ctor(String fileName, LoadFormat loadFormat, String password)
at Aspose.Words.Document…ctor(String fileName)
at DocumentExplorer.MainForm.OpenDocument() in C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Words\Demos\DocumentExplorer\MainForm.cs:line 408

This problem occurs with several documents and the attached file contains only a small fragment of one of the documents that causes the error. If I remove this fragment from the file it opens correctly.
I’m using Aspose.Words 3.7 and Microsoft Word 2003 SP 2.

Can you tell me if this issue will be fixed and if so, roughly how long it will be before a fix is released?


Thanks for reporting this error to us. I have reproduced it and logged to our defect base as issue #1100. We will try to fix it in the next hotfix which will be published in a few weeks.
Best regards,

I would like to notify you that this problem is corrected in Aspose.Words 4.0. Please download and try the latest version.
Best regards,