POP3Client methods obsolete for Aspose.Email.dll v4.4


We upgraded from Aspose.Email.dll v4.2 to v4.4 and now using the POP3Client class; we are unable to connect to Hotmail accounts.

Moreover; The Connect() method is obsolete and the login() method is obsolete; we tried attempts using beginlogin() and endlogin() but those methods are obsolete too.


1. Please provide an alternative of Connect() and Login() method with new version of v4.4.

2. If we rollback to v4.2 it all works fine; is this an issue with v4.4.

Hi Mandaar,

Thank you contacting Aspose support.

Pop3Client.Connect() and Pop3Client.Login() are no more required since Aspose.Email for .NET 3.9.0 and onward. Similarly a new property SecurityOptions is added in Aspose.Email for .NET 4.3.

Following is a sample code that extracts mails from the sample account without using Login/Connect. If it does not fulfill your requirement to extract mails from the hotmail account, please send us credentials of some test account on hotmail for our testing. It will help us to analyze the issue and provide assistance as soon as possible.

Private Shared Function GetPop3Client() As Pop3Client
Dim client As Aspose.Email.Pop3.Pop3Client
client = New Aspose.Email.Pop3.Pop3Client()

'Basic settings (required)
client.Host = “[pop.gmail.com](http://pop.gmail.com/)”
client.Username = "user@gmail.com"
client.Password = “password”
client.SecurityOptions = SecurityOptions.SSLImplicit
client.Port = 995
Return client
End Function

Private Shared Sub TestMailQueryBuilder()
Dim client As Pop3Client = GetPop3Client()

’ Get list of messages
Dim messages As Pop3MessageInfoCollection = client.ListMessages()
Console.WriteLine(“Pop3 " + messages.Count & " message(s) found.”)

For Each info As Pop3MessageInfo In messages
Dim lMsgSize As Long = client.GetMessageSize(info.SequenceNumber)
Dim mail As MailMessage = client.FetchMessage(info.SequenceNumber)
End Sub

Hi Mandaar,

After investigating this issue further with a test hotmail account (that I managed somehow), I was able to observe the issue you have mentioned. an investigation ticket with id: NETWORKNET-34528 has been logged in this respect. We’ll notify you here once there is some update available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as NETWORKNET-34528) have been fixed in this update.

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