PowerPoint Notes Page view


I have problem to read (using api) text showed in PowerPoint presentation in Notes Page view.
There is a text “Duration: 30 minutes”. To find that text use View -> Notes Page in PowerPoint.

Example file is in attachment.



Hi Zeljko,

The text "Duration : 30 Minutes" in the slide provided by you is a separate shape. In PPT, there is no way to loop through shapes on the notes slide as Notes object only exposes the notes text. However, in case of PPTX, we have NotesSlide object that enables us to loop through the shapes on a notes slide and hence extract text from all the shapes of a notes slide. An example for PPTX is as under:

try {

PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx("d:\\ppt\\ze\\chain1.pptx");


SlideEx sld=pres.getSlides().get(0);

NotesSlideEx nt=sld.getNotesSlide();

for(int i=0;i<nt.getShapes().size();i++){

ShapeEx shp=nt.getShapes().get(i);

if( shp instanceof AutoShapeEx ){

AutoShapeEx ashp=(AutoShapeEx)shp;

TextFrameEx tf=ashp.getTextFrame();




if( shp instanceof GroupShapeEx ){

GroupShapeEx gshp=(GroupShapeEx)shp;

for(int j=0;j<gshp.getShapes().size();j++){

ShapeEx shp1=gshp.getShapes().get(j);

if( shp1 instanceof AutoShapeEx ){

AutoShapeEx ashp1=(AutoShapeEx)shp1;

TextFrameEx tf1=ashp1.getTextFrame();






} //********/

} catch (IOException e) {

