PPT and PPTX Size Differences oin API?

we’re using Slides to convert PPT and PPTX to images

We access the size like this:

PresentationEx slideshow = new PresentationEx(document);
slideshow.SlideSize.Size.Width | Height
Presentation slideshow = new Presentation(document);
slideshow.SlideSize.Width | Height

It appears that when using PPT we have to divide by 8 to get pixel size, whereas with PPTX the images come out huge when using the same code.

Could someone explain why this is?


Hi Stefan,

The same parameter values like X-axis, Y-axis, Height, Width will produce different results in PPT and PPTX as measurement scale for PPT and PPTX is different. For example, (X-axis value in PPT) / 8 = X-axis value in PPTX and so on.

thanks, we thought as much.

Needless to say it would be better for all involved if the APIs and their outputs were consistent.