PPTX to HTML: Improper bulleted text rendering (C# .NET)

Hi Aspose,

There’s an error in the generated HTML for the attached pptx document. The first line of the second bullet point appears inline with the first bullet point, instead of in its own element.

Html Generation Code:

Presentation pptx = new Presentation("path/to/pptx/file"));

foreach (Slide slide in pptx.Slides)
    slide.SlideShowTransition.AdvanceOnClick = false;

HtmlOptions htmlOpt = new HtmlOptions
    HtmlFormatter = HtmlFormatter.CreateDocumentFormatter("", false), 
    ShowHiddenSlides = true,
    SvgResponsiveLayout = true
htmlOpt.PicturesCompression = PicturesCompression.Dpi72;
pptx.Save(HTMLFile, SaveFormat.Html, htmlOpt);

EC4DhNj1yY.zip (21.3 KB)



I have worked with the sample file shared and have been able to observe the issue specified. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-41667 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-41667) have been fixed in this update.