PPTX to PDF Conversion Speed for Large Presentations


I am using Aspose.total with Developer OEM license. With Aspose slides, I am trying to convert a pptx file to pdf. The pptx file has 149 slides with total size of the file as 17.8 MB.

It takes 60 seconds on average for the file to be converted to pdf. But customer expects the result in 30 seconds. I use following code to convert pptx file to pdf.

com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions loadOptions = new com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions();
loadOptions.setWarningCallback(new SlidesFontWarning());
Presentation pres = new Presentation(GZIPInputStreamObject, loadOptions);
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pres.save(outStream, com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Do I need to add any other configuration to speed up the file conversion?
For a pptx file with 149 slides and 17.8 MB size, With aspose, what is the expected time for the file to be converted to pdf.?


Thank you for posting the query.

Unfortunately, there are no options to speed up the PDF conversion. This process has been optimized and will be improved through fixes if any issues are found.

It depends on the environment where the PDF conversion is performed.

To investigate your case on our side, please share and specify the following:

  • input presentation file
  • OS version where the code example performed
  • JDK version
  • VM options
  • hardware description

Hi @Andrey_Potapov,

Since the mentioned document has customer sensitive data, we are not able to share it. We tried to create a dummy document. I have attached that document. For this document, aspose took 45-50 seconds for conversion. But customer expects it in 25-30 seconds.

File Size - 17.9 MB
No.of Slides - 149

os.name - Linux
os.version - 3.10.0-1160.36.2.el7.x86_64
java.version - 1.8.0_231
java.vm.version - 25.231-b11
java.vm.name - Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM
Ram - 4GB
Hosted in Google Cloud Platform

File link :


Thank you for the additional information. I added a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38589 in our tracking system. Our development team will investigate the performance of converting this presentation to PDF. I will inform you of any progress.


Any update on this query.?

I requested some news or plans for this issue from our development team. I will let you know soon.

The issue investigation has been scheduled for this week.

Hi @Andrey_Potapov

It’s been 12 days since the above conversation. Have your development team analyzed this?


Our development team is still analyzing PDF conversion performance for your case. Unfortunately, I have no news for you yet. But we will let you know as soon as something becomes known.

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Our development team investigated the issue and found no bottlenecks in our code for optimization. We will consider the possibility for parallel export of each presentation slide to PDF.


Could you tell us when this improvement will be released.?


I requested plans for this issue from our development team for you. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Our development team is considering the possibility of implementing this feature. I will not have any updates before mid of September.

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Is there any update on this.?

I have requested information from our development team for you. I will let you know soon.

The issue has been postponed for other priority ones. You can contact Paid Support to escalate the issue priority.

As of now we have ASPOSE license with Free Support.
Also we have raised this issue on Jul 29th, we thought it will be fixed in free support.

Our application needs this issue to be solved as high priority, we would like to know ASPOSE support regarding this issue.
If it will take time to solve this issue in FREE support, is it possible to fix this with high priority in PAID support.
(because our customer expecting to look for another library, if it’s not possible fix quickly in ASPOSE)

Also if it will take time to solve this issue, our customer expecting to look for another library.
Could you verify it once and let us know about this.


I have performed additional research.

Intel® Core™ i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz
RAM 12.0 GB

JDK 1.8
Maximum Heap Size: 4 GB

For comparison with PowerPoint, I saved the document to a file.

PPTX to PDF conversion results

Office 365 PowerPoint:
32 sec

Aspose.Slides for Java 21.10:
19 sec - first file conversion
6 sec - second file conversion

Please pay attention to your environment in which your code runs.

We are constantly working to improve performance, but in this case, we cannot offer a quick solution.