PPTX to PDF: System.Drawing.Common Is Not Supported on This Platform

I have dockerized a dotnet 8 application and trying to convert a pptx file to pdf using aspose.slides package but getting “System.Drawing.Common is not supported on this platform”. How do i fix the error, tried using aspose.drawing package i installed the package and set the license, even after that issue was not fixed.

Docker is using the mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:8.0-alpine image


Cross-platform Aspose.Slides for .NET 6 can be used for .NET 7 and future .NET releases. Please take a look at this article for your reference.

Aspose.Slides for .NET NuGet package contains an assembly for .NET 6 that depends on System.Drawing.Common (for Windows only). Aspose.Slides for .NET ZIP and MSI packages contain the same and additionally, cross-platform version that does not depend on System.Drawing.Common that you may use.

PS. please try using latest version Aspose.Slides.NET v23.12.

Thank you, i will try and update here if it works


Sure, please refer to the document and try latest version of the API and take your time to test your scenario/case.

cells, word and pdf works, slides throws an exception and docker exits

This is the exception thrown:
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::logic_error’
what(): basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

Am i missing any dependency, when i run locally in my ubuntu wsl it works fine, this error is only in docker


Could you please see the document and configure to follow the guidelines on how to use/run Aspose.Slides on docker if it works now?

The issue was due to missing fonts, after i installed font packages it works now.
Thanks amjad


Good to know that you have sorted it out now. If you have any further queries or issues, please feel free to contact us again.