PPTX UnsupportedFormatException

I get this exception when trying to open the attached file using the following in .NET

Exception Type: Aspose.Slides.UnsupportedFormatException

Message: The file is ZIP archive. It can be Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 PPTX presentation.

It is a power point file that I can open using the Microsoft program. Is Office 2010 NOT supported? Thanks

I'm all but done with the evaluation and demo internally for buying aspose.total for .NET. This could be a sticking point.

Hi Chris,

I have tried accessing your presentation using Aspose.Slides for .NET 5.5.0. I have not been able to encounter any exception using that. Please use the specified product version and let us know if there is still an issue. For your kind reference, I have attached the presentation saved using Aspose.Slides.

Thanks and Regards,

I installed the latest 5.5.0 version (per the link supplied). From that install, I am referencing the 3.5 assembly that came with that install.

I am still getting this error (below) however on the ".Open" with the file I supplied to you. The same code worked with a PPT 2003 file -

// aspose.slides

Presentation objPP = new Presentation(strFilePathSource);

Aspose.Slides.Export.PdfOptions pdfOptions = new Aspose.Slides.Export.PdfOptions();

General Information


Additional Info:

ExceptionManager.TimeStamp: 9/26/2011 1:15:51 PM

1) Exception Information


Exception Type: Aspose.Slides.UnsupportedFormatException

Message: The file is ZIP archive. It can be Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 PPTX presentation.

Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal

TargetSite: Void ()

HelpLink: NULL

Source: Aspose.Slides

StackTrace Information


at ..()

at ...ctor(Stream inStream)

at ..a()

at ..()

at ...ctor(Stream inStream)

at ..(Stream inputStream)

at ...ctor(Stream inputStream)

at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(Stream inputStream)

at Aspose.Slides.Presentation..ctor(String file, LoadOptions loadOptions)

at Aspose.Slides.Presentation..ctor(String file)

at Maxum.DocGen.MDocPolicy.pdfConvert(Int32 intLevel, String strExt, String strFilePathSource, String strPDFCopyPath, String strUniquePrefix, String[] arrSupportedExtensions) in D:\Web\MDocGenWS\MDocPolicy.asmx.cs:line 2077

at Maxum.DocGen.MDocPolicy.AttachPDFCopy(String strDestinationType, Int32 idSource, String strUsername) in D:\Web\MDocGenWS\MDocPolicy.asmx.cs:line 1762

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I switched to the PresentationEx class for the PPTX extensions.

Same code. It worked.
