Preserve specific fonts when accessing Cloud Aspose service


I am using the Aspose Cloud web service to perform a mail merge and convert it to a PDF. What we find is that if we use a fancy font, then in the PDF version, this font is not preserved and gets substituted. This is understandable since any given font might not happen to exist on the server.

Is there any way this can be worked around so that we can somehow get this to work with the same font from the word document?

Also is it possible to get a list of supported fonts which exist on the Aspose cloud service? (9.6 KB)

Edit: Sorry it looks like I should have posted this on Can you please move the post?

Thank you


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.

Aspose Words for Cloud provides a common request parameter called fontsLocation. You use it by uploading any custom font files to your cloud storage account and specifying the folder name is this parameter. An example is below

curl -v "" -d @templates.xml -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml"

Please notice the fontsLocation parameter. This is a common parameter available across all Aspose.Words for Cloud requests.

Please let us know if you continue facing this issue.

Thank you very much for the information.

Is it possible to set this parameter through the Aspose Cloud SDK?

Do you have a list of standard fonts which are available on the cloud server by default and will work without needing to specify a fonts directory?


Thank you for contacting Aspose.Support.

Currently, we don’t support this feature in our SDK. I have asked our product team to provide a list of Fonts that are natively supported by Aspose.Words for Cloud. I will get back to you as soon as I have this information.

Thank You.


Have you been able to get a list of the natively supported fonts?


In general we support all fonts present in Windows Server 2012. A brief list is below

Century Gothic
Arial Unicode MS
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Monotype Corsiva
Baskerville Old Face
Lucida Grande
Century Schoolbook
Liberation Serif

Thank you, is it possible to get a complete list of fonts?

We will have clients creating their own templates for use with the Aspose mail merge and since we cannot provide them with the ability to use their own fonts at this stage (as we are using the Cloud SDK) we need at least need to be able to advise them with a full list of which fonts will not be substituted.


Let me check, and if its possible I will give provide you a complete list.


Have you been able to get a copy of the full font list?


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. Microsoft provides the following list of fonts that comes pre-installed with the Windows Server family.

You can use this list as a good starting point, and if you come across any issues do let us know. Thank you for your patience.