PRF with XFA to regular PDF file issue


I evaluate Aspose.PDF for NET and try convert “XFA Sample Docu.pdf” file to PDF file with regular forms. And the result PDF file looks in actual version of Adobe Acrobat Pro really different.

I use DLL file from “” I downloaded today.

My code snippet is below. Both PDF files (source and converted) are an this ticket attachment.

So, do you have any chance to fix this issue? Or maybe you can tell me the workaround?


XFA Sample Docu.pdf (86.2 KB)
xfa2pdf.pdf (301.3 KB)

Dim sPDFFile = “\\test files kit\pdf\XFA\XFA Sample Docu.pdf”
Dim sOutPDF = “C:\Out\xfa2pdf.pdf”

Using pdfDocument = New Document(sPDFFile)
pdfDocument.Form.Type = FormType.Standard
End Using


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