Print in powerpoint 2000

I've attached the source presentation for cloning slides.
The red autoshape does not print from powerpoint 2000 if I use the long clone method:

Slide slideSrc = srcPres.getSlideByPosition(1);
srcPres.cloneSlide(slideSrc, newPpt.getSlides().getLastSlidePosition()+1, newPpt, treeMap);

But when I used the other clone method the red autoshape is printed.

srcPres.clone(srcPres.getSlideByPosition(1), srcPres.getSlides().getLastSlidePosition()+1);

The autoshape prints, using the first method, if: I open, edit and print. It appears that ppt 2000 corrects something.

Is there anything the long clone method missing during cloning? I need the long clone method to merge slides into a single presentation.

Attached is the output from the printer. The missing_autoshape.JPG shows the problem.

In my previous message I uploaded a modified version of the source PPT. That is I can recreate the problem with any source PPT that has autoshape.

Any comments about this issue? thanks a lot.

No any comments yet. I’m testing this problem.