Printing an Aspose.Cells Workbook

Is there a way to print the entire Aspose.Cells Workbook. I don’t see any method on the Workbook object to print. I know I can print each Worksheet individually but I need to send the entire workbook as one print job so the entire Workbook is printed together.

Is this possible?



Thanks for your inquiry.

We will check the feasibility for the feature (Printing entire workbook) if we can support it for your requirement. Anyways, currently, you may print worksheets individually for your need.

Thank you.


We have analyzed the feature. We would like to tell you that we can support this feature in our future versions after completing some other important tasks on hand. And I think, currently, it should not be a big deal to print each worksheet individually for you, the code is pretty simple :)

Sample code:

for(int i=0; i<wookbook.Worksheets.Count; i++){

Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[i];



Thank you.