Printing to PDF


I have a diagram on a single page in a VDX file. The layout is portait, 8.5x11. The diagram is 5 pages wide. When I print from the Visio UI, I select “Current Page” and it warns me about borders and layout which I accept. 5 distinct pages come out of the printer as expected. When I use the following code using .NET 4.x:

Diagram diagram = new Diagram(source_path);
diagram.Save(target_path, SaveFileFormat.PDF);

… the PDF file is one page that is very wide.

Looking for other options, I’ve also tried:

DiagramSaveOptions options = new DiagramSaveOptions();
options.SaveFormat = SaveFileFormat.PDF;
options.AutoFitPageToDrawingContent = false;
diagram.Save(target_path, options);

… which returns an error “The save format is not supported.”.

I would like it to print to 5 distinct 8.5x11 pages in the PDF file. Any tips?

Hi Nathan,

Thank you for contacting support. Have you used printing options as narrated in the following help topic: [Printing a Diagram]. Please provide us your source VDX diagram in this forum thread. We’ll take a closer look and guide you accordingly.