Problem in Excel.Open method

We have multiple web servers and is working fine on one but giving errors on others. Could someone please enlighten as to possible reasons for this. aspose.excel.dll versions are same across all these machines.
Secondly, do we need a special hotfix if the excel file uploaded has macros in it?

The error thrown is:

Erros in Excel Open method. at dn.a(String A_0)
at Aspose.Excel.Excel.Open(String designerSpreadsheet)


Thanks in Advance,

Dear Vivek,

Sorry for the problem.

Could you send me the designer file which causes this problem? I will investigat it.

If the excel file has macros in it, you’d better to check the Edition type. This feature is supported in Corporate edition.

Now the newest Aspose.Excel version is You can download it and have a try.