Problem Japanese font

I tested a sample program, changed a testForm.pdf font from “Helvetica” to “MS Mincho”.

The program thorwed System.NullReferenceException.

Dear y_furuya,

This is because the adobe’s font name is not the same as the font name of the font file of the system.
Please download hotfix from the attachment and test is again.

Any more question is welcome.

Best regards.

I tested a new object dll, but same.
The program throwed Exception.

static void Main(string[] args)
Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form("testform.pdf", "out.pdf");

pdf.FillField("sngText","This is a new line!");


Dear furuya,

I have checked the dll file which I attached and found that I have attached a wrong dll Please download the new attachment. It is

Sorry for giving inconvinience to you.

Best regards.

I checked the new dll and found a other problem.

static void Main(string[] args)
Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form("testform2.pdf", "out.pdf");
pdf.FillField("sngText","This is a new line!");

pdf.FillField("testJp","Hello"); // MS Mincho(sky blue)
pdf.FillField("testABC","Hello"); // Helvetica(yellow)

"Hello" in sky blue area does not appear.
Yellow area is good.

Dear furuya,

I have tested your pdf. It really is a bug. When the two text fields have the same unicode font, the error occurs.

I will fix it ASAP.

Best regards.

Dear furuya,

The attachment is the new hotfix. I have tested it.
Please download it.

Best regards.

I have tested a new dll and found two trouble fonts that Kozuka
Mincho and HGP MinchoB.

Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Form.Form("testform3.pdf", "out.pdf");
pdf.FillField("sngText","This is a new line!");

pdf.FillField("testJp","Hello"); // MS Mincho(sky blue), OK
pdf.FillField("testABC","Hello"); // Helvetica(yellow), OK

pdf.FillField("testJp2","Hello"); // Kozuka Mincho(green), NG


Dear furuya,

Thanks for your patience.
There is some bug when filling some unicode font which is not included in the os system font collection.
I will fix it ASAP.

Best regards.

Dear furuya,

I have checked the problem carefully. I found the root of the problem.
All the fonts which you used are cjk fonts. But now cjk font is not well supported in current version. Only some simple japanese font such as “MSMincho” can be supported through os system font. cjk font will be supported later.

Best regards.

I understood it. PDF Fonts problem seem to be difficult.
I expect next version dll that will support(?) CJK fonts.