Problem while exporting to PDF


Well, in fact, some features may not be supported so well in JDK1.4. It is mainly because Java's public API's evolution in different JDK versions. We are not sure whether it is because of JDK version for this issue. We need your template file to reproduce the issue on our end. By our test, most of the Excel files can be convert to PDF successfully with JDK1.4 without any problem.

Thank you.

I've finally isolated the chart that generate the exception in all my workbook.

Please see it in attachment

It is part of a larger diagram that is correctly exported if attached data is deleted



It seems your source chart in the file has external references for the source data. Could you try the attached latest version/fix v7.0.0.3 and give us your feedback.

Thank you.

I tried the v7.0.3, the export doen't crash anymore but the result is not correct

please see attachments


Thanks for providing us the template and output PDF file.

Yes, with version v7.0.0.3, I can find the issue as you mentioned by your input Excel file and output PDF files. I think the reason might be we don’t support external source data for rendering chart/image. Anyways, I have re-opened your issue “CELLSJAVA-29285”. We will look into it and get back to you soon.

Thank you.


Can you give me a release date for a working version of .Cells ?

This thread as been opened nearly two months ago and the main issue is still not resolved.



We need to confirm, as you said the issue has been there for two months, then maybe the issue you talked about was not the recent one (issue with chart with external data source - was logged 6 days before only). We did fix some issues that you reported in the this thread initially, such as:, and the issue of some unsupported shapes etc.

Could you try to be more specific which issue you are concerned and has not been fixed yet.

Thank you.


As 'simple' user I would say that I have charts I try to export into PDF format using .Cells (the first & last request btw) and it doesn't work.

We passed by unsupported TextBox, larger than expected Charts, unsupported French Locale, and now another unidentified issue.

What's next ?

Today, our release has been reported by 3 weeks because of various .Cells bugs in generating PDF files with charts.

In one hand you can say me that everything will work VERY soon, in other hand you say me that PDF generation is not ok for now, and I search another tool.

Kind regards.


For the issues of unsupported textbox, larger than expected charts and unsupported French locale, we have fixed all of them in recent version(V7.0.1). For the chart issue of your last post at Link to this post, we are working on it to figure the issue out.


Here is sheets with hard written datas without hidding any sheet.

It's quite strange as Acrobat Reader do not show any error message if "Current Trading" sheet is at first position - The right chart is not displayed at all be the first one show us something.

Even stranger, when you scroll to second page and come back to first, you get a blank page.

And of course, my client need those charts =)


Well we are not very clear about the your description of the issue in your last reply. We did find the chart has not been rendered correctly. For example, the series collection have been lost for the bottom left chart. But we cannot find the strange issue in the generated PDF file as you said "when you scroll to second page and come back to first, you get a blank page" --> we tested the page gives same look and feel scrolling forward then back in Acrobat Reader.

We think there is only one issue regarding Chart-to-Image. We are doing complete testing for Chart-to-Image feature in the new version. We will try to fix these issue(s) in the next week.

Thank you.

I found another bug while exporting textbox to pdf, please see attachments

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(“c:\src.xls”);“c:\out.pdf”, FileFormatType.PDF);

Aspose / JDK 1.4

Kind regards


I was able to replicate the problem using the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.1.3

We have logged this issue. We will fix it and update you asap.

This issue has been logged as CELLSJAVA-30972.


String path = “F:\Shak-Data-RW\Downloads\src.xls”;

Workbook book = new Workbook(path); + “.out.pdf”, SaveFormat.PDF);

I don’t know if the new bug I found is linked to others, but, if it can help your investigations …
Please see atachments

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(“c:\src2.xls”);“c:\out.pdf”, FileFormatType.PDF);

I noticed that if I change numbers alignments, they are showed normally.
Those numbers are not hand written but generated with datas from a db

.Cells JDK 1.4

Kind regards


Please see the output file, it appears to be fine. Please see both the source and output file.

I have tested it with latest version:
Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.1.3


String path = “F:\Shak-Data-RW\Downloads\src2.xls”;

Workbook wb = new Workbook(path);".out.pdf");

Hi, it seems to be Ok with, gonna test previous bugs


Please download: Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.1.6

We have fixed the issue of line break for the content of textbox.

For the issue of font underline, I am afraid it is only supported by JDK1.6 and later. For JDK1.5 and prior versions, setting underline attributes for java.awt.Font takes no effect.

For the issues of larger gap between characters(looks like extra spaces), we are still working on them and I am afraid we need more time to fix it.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 30972) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

Hi Aspose team.

Since another PDF export problem.

Well, the export of my full of data book doesn’t work. So, I returned to bases :

Workbook book = new Workbook();
book.getWorksheets().get(0).getCells().get(“A1”).putValue(“test”);“c:\dest.pdf”, FileFormatType.PDF);

I’m tried with JRE 1.6_u26 and JRE1.4.2_11
I tried with Aspose .Cells v :

Since v7.0.1.2 (included) the generated pdf with code above doesn’t work : when I try to open it with acrobat reader I get following error : 14

Kind regards

Edit : I just remember the Local French issue - I turn into Local US and it works with v7.0.2
I though it was fixed

Still trying to generate my pdf file …

While using Acrobat reader pro to convert my xls file into pdf, a warning poped telling me it should be convert to PDF 1A-b format.

I tried to set the Compliance in Aspose, but I get an Exception I don’t understand. please check following code and Exception

Workbook bookSrc = new Workbook(fileName+".xls");
PdfSaveOptions save = new PdfSaveOptions();
save.setCompliance(PdfCompliance.PDF_A_1_B);".pdf", save);

com.aspose.cells.CellsException: can’t parse argument number 0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
at com.aspose.cells.wU.a(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.Workbook.a(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at PDF.ConvertPDF.main(

thank you